R. King Milling

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{{#badges:stub}} R. King Milling is director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is also Vice Chairman of Whitney Holding Company.[1] He is also Chairman of America's Wetland Foundation, which some people feel is a front group because it is sponsored by Shell Oil.[2][3][4]
Mr Milling is part of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's team to lift the moratorium on offshore drilling in the Gulf. He is married to Anne Milling[5]

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  1. Muckety.com R. King Milling, accessed July 29, 2010
  2. America's Wetland Foundation Our Partners, accessed July 29, 2010
  3. America's Wetland Foundation R. King Milling, accessed July 29, 2010
  4. Brad Johnson EXCLUSIVE: Sandra Bullock Disowns BP-Backed Greenwashing Campaign, ThinkProgress.org, July 29, 2010
  5. "[1]"