Randeep Kaur Kular

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Biographical Information

"Randeep Kaur Kular has been a trustee for Sova for 11 years. She now works as project manager at University Hospitals Birmingham and, prior to this, spent five years with the NHS Confederation in a range of different roles. Most recently, as senior employer engagement manager, she led and managed the organisation’s work to engage more rigorously with NHS employers. Earlier roles included managing and delivering national programmes and projects across two main work areas: medical workforce and equality and diversity.

"Randeep brings a passion for social justice to all her work. She became interested in social exclusion and equality of opportunity while working as a senior research and policy analyst with the Runnymede Trust (race relations think tank) and has continued to pursue this through her work with Sova. She strongly believes that, “Sova has the ability to empower and rehabilitate individuals like no other organisation.”

She holds a BSc Hons in Social Policy and an MA in International Relations. She worked as an associate lecturer with the Open University from 1997 to 2003 and was a visiting lecturer at the University of Brighton in 1997. Other experience has included roles in a number of central government departments including the Department of Health, the UK Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, HM Revenue and Customs and the Cabinet Office."[1]


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  1. Sova People, organizational web page, accessed June 28, 2012.