Ras Djinet-2 power station

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Part of the Global Gas Plant Tracker, a Global Energy Monitor and Center for Media and Democracy project.

Ras Djinet-2 power station also known as La Centrale de Cap Djinet is a 1,131-megawatt (MW) gas-fired power plant, under construction (to be completed March 2019) in Douar Mendil, Djinet, Algérie.[1][2]


The map below shows the exact location of the power station in Douar Mendil, Djinet, Algérie.[1]

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Project Details

  • Sponsor: Compagnie de l'Engineering de l'Electricité et du Gaz
  • Parent company: Société Algérienne de production d'électricité (SPE)
  • Location: Douar Mendil, Djinet, Algérie
  • Coordinates: 36.850650, 3.698604 (approximate)
  • Gross capacity (under construction): 1,113 MW[2]
    • Combined-cycle unit: 400 MW (to start 2019)
    • Combined-cycle unit: 400 MW (to start 2019)
    • Combined-cycle unit: 400 MW (to start 2019)

Articles and Resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ras Djinet Gas II Africa Energy Live Data, accessed Nov. 18, 2019
  2. 2.0 2.1 APS Réception officielle de la centrale électrique de Cap Djinet en mars prochain ALGÉRIE PRESSE SERVICE, Oct 9, 2019