Raven Gray

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Biographical Information

"Raven Gray is the co-founder and past President of Transition US. She is a pioneer of the Transition Towns movement in the UK, having set up the world’s 2nd Transition Initiative after Totnes. Her professional background is diverse, ranging from ecovillage educator in India, to organic dairy farmer and community arts organizer in the UK, to software entrepreneur in California. Fundamentally, she is a permaculture educator and activist, with a strong commitment to environmental, social and economic sustainability. Jennifer has dedicated her life to restoring the earth’s balance, and is a frequent speaker and writer on this topic and the urgent need for transition. She received a BA in Culture, Ecology and Sustainable Community from New College, California, and an MSc in Holistic Science: Ecological Education from Schumacher College in the UK."[1]

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  1. Transition US Team, organizational web page, accessed April 12, 2012.