Regina Sara Ryan

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Biographical Information

"Regina Sara Ryan is a former Catholic nun who has studied contemplation and mysticism from several traditions for over forty years. After leaving the convent in the early 1970s, Regina explored other religious paths and was particularly inspired by the lives of the great women of Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Sufism. She felt the need to balance the masculine pole of Divinity, which had characterized her previous religious education, by finding women and men who exemplified the feminine pole, or the “feminine face of the Divine.”Since meeting her own spiritual mentor, the Western Baul master Lee Lozowick in 1984, Regina has continued to follow what she calls a path of “unashamed devotion,” working to bring her life of contemplation into action.

"Regina is currently a professional editor and seminar/retreat leader. She holds a master’s degree in communications from Colorado State University, and has taught interpersonal communications, health and wellness, and the psychology of consciousness at colleges in Colorado and Iowa, and most recently at Prescott College, Arizona, where she was also a graduate advisor in theology and psychology...

"Selections of her work are found in contemporary anthologies of spiritual writing by women, including Sacred Voices: Essential Women’s Wisdom Through the Ages by Mary-Ford Grabowsky (HarperCollins, 2003), and excerpted in Unity Magazine. "[1]


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  1. reginasararyan Bio, organizational web page, accessed February 23, 2013.