Renee Sweezey

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Biographical Information

"Renee Sweezey first vision quested with Steven Foster and Meredith Little in 1982 when they were still the co-directors of Rites of Passage. She found the experience life altering and profoundly affirming. Since then, she has been an advocate and supporter of the work, by serving both as a staff person and board member with Rites of Passage for over 20 years. Renee honors and holds with deep regard those who feel called to this journey, leaving what is familiar to go into the sacred wilderness of the world and of oneself. She sees herself as lovingly assisting the work, and it is in this capacity that she brings her gifts of open heart, quiet courage and gentle presence to serve both participants and guides in helping create unique and vibrant community in the field. Married to Mike Bodkin, the Executive Director of Rites of Passage, Renee lives in a rural intentional community in Northern California. "[1]


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  1. Rites of Passage Staff, organizational web page, accessed June 17, 2013.