Richard H White

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Dick White was Director of Federal Relations at the Tobacco Institute at varying times. They appear to have changed the peak Federal Relation roles depending on which party held political power and which employee had the necessary connections.

White was the Democratic Liason while Ralph Vinovich was the Republican Liason at the Tobacco Institute in the mid 1980s. White later moved to Brown & Williamson, and then to RJ Reynolds Tobacco.

Documents & Timeline

1985 July 23 Richard H White has just joined the Tobacco Institute as Vice President for Legislative Affairs. [2]

1988 Oct 27 He is listed as the TI's head of Federal Relations [This was during the election won by George HW Bush]

1997 Mar He was Federal Legislative Affairs at Brown & Williamson.

1998 /E Dick White is on the organization chart of Brown & Williamson as Federal Legislaive Representative in the Government Affairs, Federal Activities division (under Brennan Dawson) [3]