Richard Morris

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Biographical Information

"Richard Morris MA (Oxon) Hon. FRAM RCM RNCM practised as a solicitor with Farrer & Co. and as a corporate financier at S. G. Warburg & Co. Ltd. He joined Hodder and Stoughton Publishers, becoming joint Managing Director in 1989.

"Richard was a member of the Council of Kent Opera and co-founded Almaviva Opera. From 1993 to 2009 he was Chief Executive of ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music). He has served as Chair of the Music Education Council.

"Richard is Chair of Governors at the Yehudi Menuhin School. He is a member of the Mayor’s Music Education Group and the co-founder and acting Chairman of the Mayor of London's Fund for Young Musicians. He also serves as a Governor of Kent Music, a Trustee of Music Preserved, an associate director of Magma Poetry and on the development board of the Arvon Foundation. He is the author of slim volumes telling opera stories in verse form. In 2010 Richard achieved a diploma in leadership coaching and is active as a mentor and coach."[1]


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  1. Mayor's Music Fund Trustees, organizational web page, accessed October 9, 2013.