Richard P. Solana

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{{#badges: Tobaccowiki}} Richard P. Solana circa October 1996 was an Associate Principal Scientist at Philip Morris USA. He reported to Richard A. Carchman.[1] By 1999, he had risen to become Vice President of Philip Morris Worldwide Scientific Affairs. Reporting to him at that time were Dr. George J. Patskan, Director of Product Integrity, Dr. Rudiger-Alexander "Roger" Walk, Director of Scientific Affairs, Dr. Edward B. "Ted" Sanders, Dr. Bruce D. Davies, Manager, Scientific Affairs in the Mercosur and ANCAM regions and Loreen L. McAlpin, Manager of PM Worldwide Scientific Affairs Programs and Planning. The ANCAM region refers to the Andean and Central American countries of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia. It also includes Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and the Central American countries Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Panama.[2]


  1. Oettinger DB, Philip Morris USA Organization Announcement PM USA Number: 022-96 Memorandum. October 2, 1996 Bates No. 2064318314
  2. Benner KP, Philip Morris Untitled organizational announcement Memorandum. September 13, 1999. Bates No. 2075164742

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