Rob Lake

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Biographical Information

Rob Lake "joined the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment as Director of Strategic Development in May 2011... From 2007 until March 2011 Rob was Head of Sustainability and Governance at APG Asset Management, Amsterdam. APG manages total pension assets of ca. EUR 260 billion, including the portfolio of ABP, one of the world’s largest pension funds. Rob led a team of eight environmental, social and governance (ESG) specialists and was responsible for integrating ESG factors in all asset classes and at a strategic policy level across the portfolio.

"From December 2000 to January 2007 Rob was Head of Corporate Engagement at Henderson Global Investors, London. In this role he conducted research on numerous ESG issues in most sectors and conducted extensive engagement with companies...

"Rob is a member of the Program Board of the Sustainable Investment Research Programme funded by MISTRA, the Swedish government environmental research agency, and the Advisory Group to the Chair in Socially Responsible Investment at the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, and the University of Toulouse, France. He has also served on a UK government advisory committee on company reporting on non-financial issues, and the board of the UK Social Investment Forum." [1]


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  1. ICGN Rob Lake, organizational web page, accessed April 5, 2012.