Robert Delpech

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Biographical Information

"Ambassador Robert Delpech was educated at St Louis College, Victoria, Seychelles. He served in the Royal Navy between 1941-6, then in the Royal Air Force 1947-66. He then trained as a teacher at Exeter University and became an educational officer and examiner in Hong Kong between 1972-9. From 1980 to 1989 he served as High Commissioner for the Seychelles at the Court of St James. During this period he was also Commissioner for the International Whaling Commission, and had special accreditation as a diplomatic envoy to attend meetings at the United Nations and the European Economic Community. Robert is fluent in French, Swahili and Creole, and in his retirement is writing his memoirs, as well as being active in international human rights work." [1]


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  1. Asha Centre Robert Delpech, organizational web page, accessed July 1, 2012.