Robert H. Bork, Jr.

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{{#badges: Tobaccowiki}} Robert H. Bork, Junior is the son of Judge Robert H. Bork, the failed Supreme Court nominee under Ronald Reagan.

Bork Junior is a Washington, D.C.-area public relations specialist who designs PR strategies to support companies and individuals embroiled in litigation. His Web site describes his job as "managing the public environment surrounding high-risk, high-profile litigation." He also specializes in designing PR strategies to advance pro-corporate legal policies. Bork Junior directed public relations strategies during litigation against the former manufacturers of lead pigment after it was found to be toxic. Bork Junior's Web site says that Steven B. Hantler, Assistant General Counsel at DaimlerChrysler, has called him one of the "top public relations strategists in the country." [1]

In December, 1986 he was managing editor of Regulation magazine, a publication started by the American Enterprise Institute and acquired by the conservative think tank Cato Institute in 1989.[2][3]

As of April 13, 2008, Robert H. Bork, Jr. was acting as a spokesperson for disgraced former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who resigned his post in the Bush Administration effective September 17, 2007.[4]

Robert H. Bork, Jr. and tobacco

Robert H. Bork, Jr. has been a defender of tobacco industry interests.

On March 4, 1996, then as a member of the conservative ghostwriting firm the White House Writers Group, Robert H. Bork, Jr. wrote a letter to Mr. Thomas C. Griscom, Executive Vice President of External Relations at R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company alerting RJR to a legislative challenge to the deductibility of tobacco product advertising. He wrote that this proposed legislation struck him "as not simply a critically important question of tax policy, but also as a serious matter of commercial free speech." He offered to help RJR defeat the legislation.[5]

On September 23, 1999, as a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, Robert H. Bork, Jr. published an article in the Wall Street Journal titled, "Tobacco Suit Is Latest Abuse of the Rule of Law." The article condemned the U.S. Department of Justice for bringing its racketeering lawsuit against the tobacco industry, calling it "chicanery" and a "noxious mixture of governmental greed and moralism." The United States eventually found the tobacco companies guilty of longstanding fraud, conspiracy and racketeering.[6]


Robert H. Bork, Jr.
Bork Communication Group LLC
7105 Country Meadow Court
McLean, VA 22101

Phone: 703.821.8008
Fax: 703.821.8878
E-fax: 888.684.7654
Email: (Substitute the symbol "@" for the word "AT")

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  1. Web site Profile of Robert H. Bork, Jr., accessed May 12, 2008
  2. Kloepfer W, Tobacco Institute Cigarette Brand Advertising Regulation Memorandum enclosing published article. March 1987. Bates No. TI18530878-TI18530890
  3. Web site of Regulation Magazine "About", accessed May 13, 2008
  4. Neil A. Lewis, New York Times In Searching for New Job, Gonzales Sees No Takers U.S./Politics/Washington/Education. April 13, 2008
  5. Robert H. Bork, Jr., White House Writers Group I hope this letter finds you well and prospering Letter/fax. 2 pp. March 4, 1996. R.J. Reynolds Bates No. 513967994
  6. Bork RH, American Enterprise Institute, Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal Tobacco Suit Is Latest Abuse of the Rule of Law Published article. September 23, 1999. Bates No. 525290353/0355

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