Robert J Moolenaar

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Robert J Moolenaar was a scientist and lobbyist working for the Dow Chemical Company, and a prominent member of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) [2]

Documents & Timeline

1989 Apr 5 The membership of the ILSI's Environmental Sciences Division included:

Dr Peter N Britton Johnson & Johnsnon New Brunwick
Dr R Michael McLain Hoffmann -La Roche Nutley JN
Dr Charles C Leighton Merck Sharp & Dohme Blue Bell, PA
Dr Alfred S Cummin Borden Inc Columbus OH
Ms Sharon Coleman Coca Cola Company Atlanta GA
Dr James L Emerson   do.   do.
Dr Alex Malaspina   do.   do.
Mr J Ronald Condray]] Monsanto Company St Louis MO
Dr Robert J Moonenaar Dow Chemical Company Midland MI
Dr Donald E Stevenson Shell Oil Co Houston TX
Dr Louis Lasanna Tufts University Boston MA
Dr Carol Henry ILSI Risk Science Institute Washington
Dr Roger D Middlekauff McKenna Conner & Cuneo Washington DC