Roman Podoprigora

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Biographical Information

"An LL.D., and a graduate of the Kazakh State University; with a specialism in administrative law and state-confessional relations; He was a lecturer at the Kazakh State University and Higher Law School“Adilet”. Since 2004 – he has been a lecturer at KIMEP; 2007 - in the Caspian Public University. Since 2007 – he has been the Deputy Director at the research institute of Finance and Taxation Law and the Chief Researcher at the Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"He is a member of the scientific advisory board of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and an Arbitrator of the International Referees Court “IUS”. A Fulbright scholar. Since 2000 – he has been a member of the OSCE/ODIHR Experts' Group Advisory Council on freedom of religion and beliefs. Also, he is the author of more than 70 publications in Kazakhstan and abroad."[1]


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  1. Soros-Foundation Kazakhstan Trustee, organizational web page, accessed February 28, 2012.