Rosy Daniel

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Biographical Information

"Dr Daniel works as an Integrative Medicine Consultant at Bailbrook House in Bath. She was former Doctor and then Medical Director of Bristol Cancer Help Centre (1985 to 1999), and served as Chief Executive Officer between 1995 and 1999.

"Dr Daniel is currently:

  • Medical Director of her own organisation, Health Creation, set up in 1999 to develop and provide holistic health care products and health coaching services. Through her innovative Health Creation Programme, people become more involved in the creation of their optimum health.
  • Patron of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers
  • Patron of the British Wheel of Yoga
  • Director of the British College of Integrative Medicine
  • A published author of the Cancer Lifeline Kit and five other books. Her most recent book, The Cancer Directory (published by Harper Thorsons, June 2005) is rapidly becoming known as the definitive guide to integrative cancer medicine and essential reading for everybody affected by cancer.

"She was formerly:

"In 2007 Dr Daniel co-founded the Integrative Health Trust with the aim of creating the British College of Integrative Medicine which will combine a residential IM clinic, research facility and IM medical school to train the next generation of Integrative Medicine Doctors and Nurses. Longer term the site will also provide public IH facilities for the young of all ages and also holistic assisted living for the elderly. The Trust itself will become a large membership organisation and become the public voice for those who believe in proactive health creation to protect and promote positive health."[1]

"she was a founding member of the Prince of Wales’ Foundation for Integrated Health steering group and was Medical Director of the Bristol Cancer Help Centre (1993-1999)" [1]

Her first book was Loving Medicine (Gateway Books, 1986).


Resources and articles

Related Sourcewatch

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  • University of Buckingham [3]
  • Carctol: Profit before Patients?
  • Heath Creation is based at 77a Alma Rd, Clifton, BS8 2DP
  • Caryle Hirschberg
  • Candace Pert
  • Stephen Greer
  • Ralph Moss
  • Nandlal Tiwari
  • Nicola Hembry
  • Cromwell Hospital
  • Michael B. Schachter
  • William Lane - shark
  • Elizabeth Thompson (UK)
  • Peter Grundweld
  • Roger Lichy
  • Jennifer Baraclough
  • Eat to Beat Cancer notes: some environmental units like Dr Jean Munro's let you "have your levels of chemical pollutants measured". "It is actually possible to have blood "cleaned" of chemical pollutants by the use of intravenous drips of vitamin C. Another approach is chelation therapy..." (p.75) "All the old complementary medical systems and exercise forms, such as acupuncture, shiatsu, homoeopathy, yoga and t'ai chi, are based around the idea that we have a vital force or energy system which is strong and balanced in good health and depleted and imbalanced in poor health. One of the ways that our vital force becomes chronically undermined is through eating foods which are themselves very low in life-force due to intensive farming, storage, cooking and processing. It is therefore obvious that filling the body with very fresh, live, raw foods can have a significant effect on raising energy levels and improving the functioning of our tissues... This is the underlying philosophy behind the approaches of Leslie Kenton in her raw-foods recipe books, and Ann Wigmore in her living-foods diet and approaches..." (p.78) Refers to "most authoratative work" on subject of cancer and food, being Susannah Olivier's The Breast Cancer and Recovery Diet. (p.82)
  • THe Cancer Directory- contribitors - Patricia Peat (contibuted to chapter 4), Andrew Panton (to chapter 5), and Bernice Miller who wrote foreword. Refers to Caryle Hirschberg and Mark Barasch's book Remarkable Recovery as "the first-ever publication on what it is that survivors of cancer have in common (rather than those tho get cancer)!" (p.16) Follows this with a discussion of Stephen Greer's work (p.18), then Candace Pert's "pioneering work" (p.19) "speak to an integrated medicine doctor who is genuinely committed to getting you the very best of both worlds - orthodox and alternative." (p.68) On issue of cancer alternatives they note: "if you wish to make up your own mind on this matter, there are numerous agencies to refer to such as What Doctors Don't Tell You and Philip Day's Campaign for Truth in Medicine. Two of the liveliest and most controversial sources of information and opinion on this subject come from Dr Samuel Epstein in his book The Politics of Cancer and Dr Ralph Moss in his book The Cancer Industry: Unravelling the Politics." (p.99) "Among alternative cancer physicians, amygdalin is one of the most widely used supplements, with numerous positive reports of it therapeutic effectiveness against cancer." (p.105) refers to work of Michael B. Schachter (p.281) "a very warm-hearted doctor" (p.351) "According to Dr Ralph Moss, positive research findings on the compound have been consitently surpressed by the pharmaceutical industry, allegedly because it is non-patentable." Also say you can buy it from World Without Cancer (p.282) Carctol developed by Nandlal Tiwari used by Rosy. (p.106) "In cancer patients, Iscador can stimulate the immune system and inhibit tumour formation." (p.108)Refer to "main use of shark and bovine cartilage in the cancer patient is to inhibit blood-vessel growth in a developing tumour, thereby cutting off its blood supply." (p.113) William Lane "a pioneer" in its use, confirmed by T. Oikawa (p.305) "Matthias Rath, MD, a colleague of the late Linus Pauling, advocates the use of high-dose oral vitamin C along with the essential amino acids lysine and proline, and green tea extract." (p.114) refers to good work of Nicola Hembry (p.126), "Nowadays, high-tech photography makes it possible to take pictures of the body's energy field, allowing us to see for ourselves the subtle energy systems on which TCM is based." (p.154) Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  • Harley Street Oncology Centre "has been the first private hospital to provide a supportive care package to all of it clients routinely alongside radio- or chemotherapy." Cromwell Hospital first to offer Rosy's Cancer Lifeline Kit (p.266) Abram Hoffer "is considered a pioneer ni the use of nuttritional substances for healing." (p.338) Leo J. Bolles (p.351) Nutri-Centre Rosy's "recommended supplier for all vitamins, herbs and homoeopathic medicines" (p.416) Cankut Herbs sole UK distribuor for Carctol.


  1. British College of Integrative Medicine Rosy Daniel, organizational web page, accessed June 19, 2013.
  2. Yes To Life Medical Advisors, organizational web page, accessed May 31, 2014.
  3. Cytoplan Team, organizational web page, accessed June 6, 2014.