Ruth Katz

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Biographical Information

"Ruth has worked on farm and food issues, in education, advocacy, program development and fundraising roles for over twenty years. She co-founded Just Food, a NYC organization focused on CSA and urban agriculture expansion, food education, farm and food justice, and training-of-trainers. She served as its executive director from 2000-2006. Most recently, Ruth was government relations liaison for Stone Barns Center, a working farm and education center. Ruth is especially interested in nimble organizations working together to complement each other’s work, to strengthen the movement for sustainable agriculture and food justice.

"In the 1980’s, Ruth lived in Gabon, Central Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer, an experience that kindled her interest in these issues. Ruth also serves on the board of WHYHunger."[1]


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  1. Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Staff, organizational web page, accessed September 5, 2012.