Sally Ford-Hutchinson

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Biographical Information

"Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing, MA in Social Anthropology, Fellow and a Former Chairman of the Market Research Society, a member of the Association of Qualitative Researchers and of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Fellow of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising and a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

"Sally has worked in research and advertising for over 25 years and has been involved in the strategic planning of many campaigns, including award-winning work for the COI Drink Drive and Child Road Safety campaigns. Before setting up her own consultancy business Sally was at the advertising agency D'Arcy where she was Global Planning Director. During this time she worked around the world for clients such as P&G and the Mars Corporation on the development of Brand Positionings, Brand Extensions and Brand Visions. She has also conducted insight research into the aspirations of women, the feelings of teenagers around the world and the relationships between parents and children. The consultancy that Sally now runs specialises in qualitative research projects and the facilitation of workshop sessions with clients and consumers alike.

"Sally is also a Trustee of Nottingham Trent University, an Associate Editor of the Journal 'Young Consumers' and is on the editorial advisory board of The International Journal of Market Research. " [1]


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  1. NatCen Social Research Sally Ford-Hutchinson, organizational web page, accessed October 11, 2012.