Sally Ranney

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Biographical Information

"Sally Ranney has dedicated her life to protecting the genetic archives of the planet, securing conservation custody for millions of acres of wild places in the Western US, Alaska, Chile, Argentina, Africa, and Canada. Her experience spans thirty years within the private and public sectors in land, water and energy policy, biodiversity and wildlife protection, and in promoting solutions to climate change. A Resource Policy Analyst for the Wilderness Society, she co-founded American Wildlands and served as President for twenty years. She has worked closely with several US Presidents and members of Congress and was appointed by President Reagan to serve on the “Presidential Commission on Americans Outdoors.”

"Ms. Ranney is Co-Director of the International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative (IWECI), President of the American Renewable Energy Institute (AREI), CEO of StillWater Preservation, LLC, a private, Colorado-based wetlands mitigation banking company, and President of Rising Wolf International, a specialized consulting group. She is a member of the Global Advisory Committee of Women and the Green Economy (WAGE) and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). She sits on the boards of numerous organizations including the American Renewable Energy Institute (AREI), the Sonoran Mexico Jaguar Project, and Lighthawk. Sally is the anchor for ‘A Matter of Degree’, a TV pilot program and internet broadcast focusing on climate change.

"Sally is a seasoned speaker and has presented at various conferences such as TEDx Denver, participated on a panel with Governor Ritter at the Biennial of the Americas, and has spoken at the American Renewable Energy Day (AREDAY) Summit for the past five years including in 2010 when she moderated a panel with Ted Turner and James Cameron. Internationally, Sally moderated a panel in 2011 at the World Climate Summit in Cancun at COP-17 with Ted Turner and Richard Branson and is looking forward to participating as a panelist at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in South Korea in September, 2012.

"Sally has received several awards, including the Horace Albright Award/U.S. National Park Service, the Meritorious Conservation Award/ International Wildlife Foundation, ‘Who’s Who in the West’, and Steward of the Future Award/Earth Guardians. She is a U.S. trainee for Al Gore’s Climate Project and delivered a TED talk."[1]


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  1. eraGlobal Alliance Team, organizational web page, accessed December 21, 2013.