Sally Uren

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Biographical Information

Sally Uren, Deputy Chief Executive at Forum for the Future. She notes: "Much of my work involves working with leading global companies, such as Unilever, Bupa and Pepsico, unlocking the opportunity agenda presented by sustainable development. I am also passionate about the potentially transformative role of brands in making sustainability mainstream and have helped many leading brands, from Green & Blacks to Tata Tea, weave sustainability into their brand identities.

"I am Chair of Kingfisher plc’s Independent Stakeholder Panel, a Panel Member of the UK’s Green Energy Supply Certification Scheme and an independent member of The Carbon Neutral Company’s Technical Advisory Board. I’m a member of the newly formed Product Research Forum in the UK, set up to establish ways of reducing the environmental impact of everyday products. I am also Chair of the Advisory Committee overseeing Forum for the Future’s growing operations in the US.

"Before joining Forum in 2002, I set up the Sustainability Group at private consultancy Casella Stanger (now owned by Bureau Veritas). But the true passion for sustainability began a long time before that; helping clean up the Manchester Ship Canal as part of my first degree, saving heathlands for my PhD, and then encouraging rainforest regeneration in the depths of Borneo all have fuelled a passion for creating a sustainable future. "[1]

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  1. Forum for the Future Sally Uren, organizational web page, accessed March 29, 2012.