Salora power station

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{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}} Salora power station is a 270-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station under development in Chhattisgarh, India. An additional 930 MW is proposed at the same location.


The undated satellite photo below shows the power station in Katghora taluk.

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Unit 1 (135 MW) was commissioned on 10 April 2014.[1][2][3]

Unit 2 (135 MW) is planned for commissioning in September 2015,[4] and was reported as commissioned in December 2015 by the India Ministry of Power,[5] although the India government later reported in July 2016 the unit was synchronized in August 2015 but had yet to be commissioned.[6] In May 2017 the unit was reported as delayed with commissioning date uncertain. The reasons for the delay read as follows in the Ministry of Power's monthly broad status report: "Delay due to supply of boiler material & CHP material by M/s Cethar Vessels Ltd.and delay in getting of startup power. Delay due to agitation by the villagers at project site."[7]

Unit 3 (270 MW) was scheduled for September 2017, and Unit 4 (660 MW) was scheduled for September 2020,[1] but neither are included in a March 2016 India government list of upcoming coal plants,[8] nor the July 2016 list.[6] It appears that the two units have been abandoned.

Unit 5 (660 MW), which was previously included in future plans, is no longer mentioned on the company website.[1]

Unit 1 Commissioning Delays

Although Unit 1 was synchronized in 2013 and commissioned in 2014, it has experienced multiple technical and regulatory issues. For example, the Broad Status Report reported said commissioning was delayed due to "agitation by villagers at site" and that other operational issues were complex and interrelated:[9]

Unit Synchronized on 04.09.13. Unit was under shutdown for attending various commissioning problems. On 28.02.14 M/s. Cethar Ltd again send a drawing for modification of the oil gun guide with lug support. The burner problem remains unsolved. The basic reason is that the burners are not supporting properly. As Full load /COD has not been achieved within six months of synchronization as per the regulations of Electricity Act-2003, now they have to get permission from CERC for connectivity and after which WRLDC will give permission for re-synchronization. CERC has given the permission to injection of infirm power to the Grid upto 11.04.14 vide their order dated 14.03.14. V V L has submitted the CERC order to WRLDC for permission to inject the infirm power to the grid on 18.03.14 and got the permission from WRLDC on 20.03.14. Now V V L is trying themselves for completing balance work as Cethar Ltd. is not cooperating.

Project Details

  • Sponsor: Vandana Vidhyut
  • Parent company:
  • Location: Salora, Chhuri, and Dhanras villages, Katghora taluk, Korba district, Chhatttisgarh
  • Coordinates: 22.4899525, 82.6062387 (exact)
  • Status:
    • Unit 1: Operating
    • Unit 2: Construction on hold (delayed)
    • Units 3-4: Cancelled
    • Unit 5: Cancelled
  • Gross Capacity:
    • Unit 1: 135 MW
    • Unit 2: 135 MW
    • Unit 3: 270 MW
    • Unit 4: 660 MW
    • Unit 5: 660 MW
  • Type: Ultra-supercritical
  • In service:
    • Unit 1: 2014
  • Coal Type: Bituminous
  • Coal Source: Fatehpur East Coal Block
  • Source of financing:
  • Permits and applications: Environmental clearance Units 1-3, India MoEF, March 9, 2009

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