Samantha Sweetwater

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Biographical Information

"Samantha Sweetwater is a visionary educator, soul coach and priestess. She is the creator of Dancing Freedom, an Embodied Mystery School, and the founder of PeaceBody Ministries. She has led transformational workshop and trainings integrating dance, yoga, soul empowerment, light work and sustainable lifestyle design nationally and in Brazil, Australia, Germany and Japan since 1995. Her guiding questions: How do we bring peace alive as a moment-to-moment reality for all beings? How do we co-create a culture of Embodied Oneness?

"Samantha invokes the integral wisdom of body, mind, heart and spirit. She ignites the passion of the soul’s true purpose, and reflects the Beauty Way of Evolutionary Enlightenment - the marriage of Source connection with grounded actions, whole relationships and living communities. In her travels, she has inspired thousands to embrace living tools for radiant health, authentic expression, joyous wholeness, planetary regenesis and awakened heart. Through the Dancing Freedom Embodied Mystery School, Samantha is training a community of facilitators to spread Peace-embodied around the world. She is constantly exploring angles through which the soul level epiphanies of the dancing experience can galvanize the WE in sustaining communities, relationships and actions. She is currently part of the organizing team for State of the World Forum and the Global Transitions Initiative." [1]


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  1. Living Mandala Facilitators, Trainers & Consultants, organizational web page, accessed November 7, 2013.