Samantha Thomas

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Biographical Information

"Samantha began working for DreamChange in August 2012. Previously she worked in the Green Fashion Industry in New York City as an event facilitator and model. Samantha left her job in fashion to pursue a career in sustainability and social justice, which resonates on the deepest level with her core values and beliefs.

"After growing up in a family business related to natural health and healing, Samantha developed a profound sensitivity to the wellbeing of all people and the planet. She worked for five years as Executive Assistant at, and more recently consulted for the University of Massachusetts Amherst Permaculture Your Campus Conference. Samantha is also a writer, blogger and has been published in periodicals such as YES! Magazine. In her spare time she enjoys volunteering for causes she believes in, such as the David Lynch Foundation, which brings meditation to at-risk populations.

"In addition to Samantha’s BS in Sustainable Living and Business, she has received her Permaculture Design Certification, and has completed a Leadership Workshop at the Omega Institute for the Advancement of Human Behavior."[1]


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  1. DreamChange Team, organizational web page, accessed December 17, 2013.