Sandra Sabatini

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Biographical Information

"The birth of my children brought a very different insight into my daily practice. During labour I observed an unknown intelligence at work. The more passive, soft and elastic I was, the more powerful this physical intelligence became. During my yoga practice I wished to be re-connected to this gentle, weightless brightness that I had observed at work in my body during the birth of my children. To revive this primal energy I needed help, a guide with a very light touch. That guide turned out to be Vanda Scaravelli, who had developed a unique approach to yoga using gravity and breath to ride the body’s own wave. Author of Awakening the Spine, Vanda, studied privately with B.K.S. lyengar and T.K.V. Desikachar over many years. Her lifelong friendship with Krishnamurti is vastly reflected in her teaching."[1]


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  1. Lendrick Lodge Sandra Sabatini, organizational web page, accessed January 3, 2013.
  2. Lendrick Lodge Teachers, organizational web page, accessed January 3, 2013.