Saraburi Coal Company

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This article is part of the Coal Issues portal on SourceWatch, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy. See here for help on adding material to CoalSwarm.

Saraburi Coal Company is a subsidiary of Italian-Thai Development. It has a 30-year concession for the exploitation of the Maw Taung coal mine near Taninthayi in Taninthayi state. The mine, which is operated by Saraburi and MEC, is based on a 3.6 million deposit of sub-bituminous coal.[1]

The company's website states that it also has interests in Indonesia but provides no details.[2]

Contact details

2034/132-161 Italthai tower fl.34 Bangkapi,
Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320
Phone: 0-2716-0749-50
Fax: 0-2716-0751
E-mail Sales AT

Articles and resources


  1. Pa’O Youth Organisation, Poison Clouds: Lessons from Burma’s largest coal project at Tigyit, Pa’O Youth Organisation, January 2011. (Pdf)
  2. "Saraburi Coal Co. Ltd", Saraburi Coal Company website, accessed May 2011.

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