Sarah Costa

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Biographical Information

Sarah Costa "is the Executive Director of the Women's Refugee Commission, a non-profit organization that advances women's rights by making grants that support and strengthen women's groups around the world. Before this, she was a Program Officer at the Ford Foundation managing programs on sexuality and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and women's rights in Latin America and the U.S. She also worked for many years in Brazil at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation where she taught and conducted research on gender and sexual and reproductive health. Active in the women's movement in Brazil, she was a member of the Advisory Committee to the National Council on Women's Rights, served on the boards of several women's NGOs and was a Technical Advisor on Women's Health to the State Government of Rio de Janeiro. She is currently on the board of the National Centers on Sexuality at San Francisco State University. She holds a Masters degree in Medical Demography from London University and a Ph.D. in Social Medicine from Oxford University." [1]

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  1. Association of Women's Rights in Development Board, organizational web page, accessed April 20, 2012.