Sayer Ji

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"At the same time as Sayer was working full time, and as he was working nearly full-time creating his natural database, and as he was working overtime to write articles such as “The Dark Side of Wheat” that brought him to the attention of Dr. Joseph Mercola, he plunged headfirst into the world of health freedom. Having viewed a video on Codex Alimentarius (the international body establishing food standards and guidelines for the World) in 2007, Sayer clearly saw that “we are in one of our darkest periods now.” As he puts it, “although the latest information is now available through any device on the Planet, health freedom was and is imploding.”

"From 2011 to this year, Sayer worked with Dr. Mercola to get the word out about natural health and health freedom. But stating it that way actually belittles Sayer’s influence in the then-Number-1 natural health website in the World, for Sayer was Mercola’s research advisor and top-level editor (meaning that he looked at article concepts just the same as Dr. Mercola did).

"Sayer was also asked to and did join the NHF’s Advisory Board as an important NHF advisor. So much so that he was sought out by many Board members, including me, to be on the NHF Board of Governors. Appointed by me to a vacancy on the Board of Governors in February 2015, Sayer was enthusiastically and unanimously confirmed to that position by the Board; and he has been a very active and life-saving Board member ever since." [1]

"Sayer Ji is an author, activist, speaker, and widely recognized thought leader in the natural health and wellness space. He is also a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Health Federation, advisory board member for the World Mercury Project, and Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation." [2]

Co-author of “The Cancer Killers” with Charles Majors and Ben Lerner. [1]

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  1. National Health Federation Board, organizational web page, accessed October 7 2017.
  2. GreenMedInfo About, organizational web page, accessed August 13, 2018.