Scott Suder

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Scott Suder (R-WI) is a Wisconsin state legislator serving his 6th term as State Representative for Wisconsin’s 69th Assembly District as of 2012. He is the Chair of the Assembly Committee on Rules and a member of the Committee on Assembly Organization, and he serves on the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization, the Joint Committee on Employment Relations and the Joint Legislative Council.[1]

Suder was reelected on November 6, 2012.[2]

An ALEC Wisconsin Foot Soldier


Rep. Scott Suder is a member of the ALEC Public Safety and Elections Task Force that was recently dissolved by the organization due to the Trayvon Martin controversy and other public attention. The task force’s bills include “Voter ID,” Castle Doctrine/”Stand Your Ground” and expanding “concealed carry.” As the Assembly Majority leader, Suder played a key role in the passage of these bills and others. However, Suder responded to CMD’s open records request for any ALEC-related emails by saying he had no emails responsive to the request. (Other legislative offices that complied with the state’s open records law released ALEC-related records showing that Suder receives ALEC-related emails. These emails are on file with CMD.)

Rep. Suder is also a current ALEC public sector co-chair of Wisconsin, along with Rep. Robin Vos. According to ALEC’s published bylaws, the two have a “duty” “to ensure introduction of model legislation.” Amy Boyer of Hamilton Consulting (who has lobbied for Koch Industries, Xcel Energy, Wal-Mart, and other ALEC member corporations) is the ALEC Private Enterprise State Chairman. Under the bylaws, Suder and Vos are also tasked with “working with the Private Enterprise State Chairman to raise and oversee expenditures of legislative ‘scholarship’ funds.” In many states, this means the legislators call corporations and ask for money for scholarships, although the former co- chair, Sen. Scott Fitzgerald, has claimed that is not done here. [3]

About ALEC
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy's, and check out breaking news on our site.

Suder is a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the State Chairman of Wisconsin,[4] and is on the Executive Committee of ALEC's Public Safety and Elections Task Force. He is also the Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the same task force. A 2010 Statement of Economic Interest from Suder listed $1,200 in contributions from ALEC. According to his 2009 Statement of Economic Interest, Suder received $2,200 from ALEC.

In the 2011-2012 legislative session, Rep. Suder co-authored 1 bill that reflects ALEC models, according to an analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy. 

Representative Suder and Public Safety and Elections

The following bills were introduced or co-sponsored by Representative Suder during the 2011-2012 legislative session:

  • Assembly Bill 86, Sentencing adjustment: 2009 WisAct 28 changes returned to pre-Act law and Parole Commission restored; positive adjustment time, risk reduction sentences, and ERRC eliminated; extended supervision provisions.


Suder graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. He was an intern in Congress and later worked as a legislative aide to State Representatives Bob Zukowski and "Pink" Van Gorden.[5]

Suder was Co-Chairman of the Wisconsin State Assembly Special Committee on Domestic Biofuels in 2008 and 2009[6] and the Justice Reinvestment Initiative Oversight Committee in 2009.[7] He is the former Chairman of the Criminal Justice and Homeland Security Committee and a former member of the Insurance, Fish and Wildlife and Personal Privacy Committees. He is also a member of the Wisconsin Air National Guard and recently returned home from his second and third tours of duty to the Middle East.[8]

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  1. Wisconsin State Legislature Representative Scott Suder, legislative website, accessed June 15, 2011
  2. Wisconsin Vote, 2012 Election Results, accessed November 27, 2012.
  3. ALEC Exposed in Wisconsin: The Hijacking of a State, ALEC Exposed, May 2012
  4. American Legislative Exchange Council, "States & Nation Policy Summit" agenda, November 30-December 2, 2011, on file with CMD
  5. Scott Suder Representative Scott Suder, legislative biography, accessed June 15, 2011
  6. Legislative Council, Wisconsin State Legislature Special Committee on Domestic Biofuels, legislative website, accessed June 15, 2011
  7. Wisconsin Legislative Special Committee Justice Reinvestment Initiative Oversight, legislative document, January 16, 2009
  8. Scott Suder Representative Scott Suder, legislative biography, accessed June 15, 2011