Seyi Obakin

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Biographical Information

"Seyi is a graduate chartered accountant. After receiving a first degree in Economics in 1981, he began a professional accounting career at PricewaterhouseCoopers and then worked in corporate banking for several years before joining the housing association movement at Housing 21 in 1995.

"After a spell in a range of social housing provisions, from elderly housing through to all forms of supported housing, Seyi joined Centrepoint in 2003 as its finance director. He became Centrepoint's first chief operating officer in 2006 and chief executive in 2009.

"In this time, he has developed a passionate concern for disadvantaged young people, especially those that are homeless. In his role as chief executive, Seyi takes overall responsibility for moving Centrepoint towards its vision of ending youth homelessness.

"Seyi is the volunteer treasurer on the board of Foundation 66, an organisation that offers holistic treatment and support to people with problematic alcohol and drug use, their carers and families. He also sits as a commissioner on the National Inquiry into Lifelong Literacy and previously served as a commissioner on the Family Commission, a national inquiry into the extended family and the support it needs in the 21st century."[1]

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  1. Centrepoint Seyi Obakin, organizational web page, accessed March 30, 2012.
  2. UK Commission for Employment and Skills Commissioners, organizational web page, accessed July 16, 2012.