Shah Deniz Phase 2 expansion

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See also: "Sha Deniz gas field (Wikipedia)

Shah Deniz is the largest natural gas field in Azerbaijan and the largest gas discovery made by BP. It is located in the Caspian Sea southeast of Baku. The Shah Deniz Phase 2 expansion, which began in 2013 and was completed in 2018, was BP's biggest startup of 2018, costing $28 billion in capital investment.[1]

Reserves and CO2 Emissions

The Shah Deniz field contains 1 trillion cubic metres of gas. Currently Shah Deniz Phase 1 produces 10 billion cubic meters per year (bcma). Shah Deniz Phase 2 will add 16 bcma.[1]

Strategic Significance

The project is strategically significant because it will deliver gas to Turkey and into the European market via the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion, the Trans Anatolian Pipeline, and the Trans Adriatic Pipeline.

Companies Involved


Potential ESG Risks


Labour Rights

Indigenous Rights

NGO's Involved

Local Opposition

Status of Project

The project started up in July 2018.

BP group chief executive Bob Dudley said: “Shah Deniz 2 is one of the biggest and most complex new energy projects anywhere in the world, comprising major offshore, onshore and pipeline developments. BP and our partners have safely and successfully delivered this multi-dimensional project as designed, on time and on budget."[2]


The project will require 500 km of subsea pipelines linking wells with the onshore terminal, and expansion of the Sangachal terminal.[1]

Domestic Political Situation

Project Economics

Tax Revenues

International Dynamics


Articles and resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Shah Deniz Stage 2," BP Azerbaijian, accessed 8/18
  2. "BP starts-up landmark Shah Deniz 2 development in Azerbaijan," BP Global, 2 July 2018

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