Sharmila Nebhrajani

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Biographical Information

"Sharmila Nebhrajani enjoys a varied career spanning media, technology and health. She spent 12 years at the BBC where she was most recently the Chief Operating Officer and Finance Director of BBC Future Media and Technology managing the business functions of including the launch of the iPlayer. For the last two years she has been Executive Director of Finance and Performance for NHS Sussex.

"She started her career in management consulting after graduating in Physiological Sciences from Oxford University and worked on corporate finance and strategy projects for a range of private sector clients in media, telecoms and technology around the world. She has held non-executive roles in the health and science sectors including Deputy Chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, the body that regulates all embryo research and licences assisted reproduction clinics in the UK, and Board Member of the Human Tissue Authority which regulates the storage and use of human tissue.

"She is currently in her second term as Board Member of the Charity Commission. She has also recently been appointed to the General Council of the University of Sussex and the Audit Committee of the Institute for Cancer Research. In addition to her non-executive work she took a World Fellowship at Yale University in the US in 2007 where she lectured on both media policy and practical cases in medical ethics. "[1]


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  1. Charity Commission Board, organizational web page, accessed August 30, 2012.