Simon Antrobus

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Biographical Information

"Simon Antrobus is Chief Executive of Addaction and has been working in the voluntary and community sector for over 20 years. He has held senior positions in a number of national voluntary organisations and prior to joining Addaction Simon was Chief Executive of Clubs for Young People.

"Simon also spent five years as a part-time detached youth worker in communities in Northamptonshire. He has served as acting Chair of the National Council of Voluntary Youth Services. He also chaired a national inquiry for the Centre for Social Justice chairing a commission team which produced 'Dying to Belong' - a comprehensive report into street gangs in the UK. Simon has also chaired the ACEVO sponsored Public Health Commission and is a non- executive director of the Community Alcohol Partnership programme."[1]


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  1. Addaction Simon Antrobus, organizational web page, accessed October 12, 2012.