Simon Bentley

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Biographical Information

Simon Bentley was appointed to the Board of Sports Direct "on 2 March 2007 and was Acting Chairman from 31 May 2007 to 23 November 2009. He is also Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee. Simon qualified as a chartered accountant in 1980 and in 1987 joined Blacks Leisure Group plc where he was Chairman and Chief Executive for 12 years until 2002. Simon chairs and is on the board of a range of companies and organisations. Among these, he is Chairman of the Swiss Domino’s pizza franchisee, Global Brands SA, and is Deputy Chairman of the country’s premier leadership in management organisation, The Leadership Trust. He is Chairman of the hotelier Maypole Group plc and is the principal owner and Chairman of the leading mobile ATM operator, Cash on the Move. He has lengthy experience of the sporting goods industry and is a Director of the country’s leading running retailer, Brasher Leisure."[1]


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  1. Sports Direct Board, organizational web page, accessed March 28, 2013.