Sisterhood Is Global Institute
Sisterhood is Global Institute (SIGI) was created in 1984 and "is dedicated to the support and promotion of women's rights at the local, national, regional, and global levels. With members in 70 countries, and a network of more than 1300 individuals and organizations worldwide, SIGI works toward empowering women and developing leadership through human rights education." [1]
For its first five years SIGI was "based in New York under the Executive Directorship of Karen Berry; the next five in New Zealand, benefiting from leadership by former NZ Member of Parliament Marilyn J. Waring; it then moved to Maryland, USA, under Mahnaz Afkhami (Iran), and thence to Montreal, Canada, with Greta Hofmann Nemiroff at the helm."
In the past they have received multiple grants from the National Endowment for Democracy for their work in the Middle East during the 1990s. [2]
According to Media Transparency, in 1996 SIGI received $25,000 from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation: "To support a series of workshops in Tehran, Iran under the direction of Dr. Azar Nafisi." [3] [4]