Social Systems Analysts

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Social Systems Analyst, Inc. (often misnamed Social Systems Analysis in the tobacco documents) was a small consulting firm which was directed by Professor Sherwin J Feinhandler who worked for the tobacco industry. His payments from various tobacco industry projects were always washed though this company rather than through his university. The company was based in Cambridge Massachusettes (Feinhandler worked with Harvard University). The company is now in voluntary liquidation.

On 8 Sep 1978 the Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky reported in a substantial story.

Panel told smoking not hurting non-smokers ... that it was an unassailable scientific fact that no one was ever harmed by passive smoking.

  Two expert witnesses were pushing this ridiculous line (at a Congressional 1.5 day hearing): Sherwin Feinhandler, an anthropologist from the Harvard University's Medical Center's psychology department (who also owned Social Systems Analysts) and Horace Kornegay, a well-known former North Carolina Congressman. Kornegay, as students of the tobacco documents know, was also a diligent professional lobbyist with the Tobacco Institute and at that time its president. He said ...

"... this evidence should provide some common sense to the controversy ... It should put an end to efforts to make smokers social outcasts." Also present as witnesses were Dr Theodor Sterling, a Canadian environmental scientist, testified that tobacco smoke is "a minor and often insignificant contributor" to air contaminants. Dr Suzanne B Knoebel, the Indiana University medical researcher, told the subcommittee there is no proof that atmospheric tobacco smoke can cause circulatory illness among non-smoker.‎

At least one other staff/member also worked for the tobacco industry. William Bestor sent his CV to Philip Morris in November 1976

The staff or members of the Social Systems Analysts company were (with INITIAL codes)

Documents & Timeline

1979 Nov William Bestor has sent his CV along to Philip Morris.[3] His CV looks like the biography of a CIA intelligence operative. He is a specialist in Russia and the Soviet Union, and in Portugal.

His CV has been filed by Philip Morris under:

Social Systems Analysts - Inter-Relationship Project