Society for Risk Analysis

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The Society for Risk Analysis appears to have been established (probably by the tobacco industry) at some time in 1980. Within a few years it had more than 2,000 members world-wide, and a quarterly journal, Risk Analysis'

It was later claimed to have been founded by Robert "Bob" Cumming, (a geneticist) who organised the steering committee that founded the Society. Cumming says his interest in a risk-focused society stems back to a trip he took to Europe in 1979. He became the first president and editor of the magazine.

Documents & Timeline

1981 June 2 Report by Rhonda at the Tobacco Institute to her boss, Anne Duffin She has just attended a workshop on "The Analysis of Actual Vs. Perceived Risk. which appears to be a stream of a National Academy of Sciences conference.

Dr Marvin A Schneiderman of Clement Associates, was the chairman of the workship's smoking session (Probably straight.) This session was "sponsored by the Society for Risk Analysis" The audience were mainly from Universities.

There are two copies of the first page of this document (only) [2]

[It is unlikely in the extreme that a new society of this kind would sponsor such a session in its first year of operation, unless it had substantial financial backing -- which is a good indication that the industry was behind it.]

This is even more likely when we find that the joint editors of the smoking session proceedings were: