Sondra Rose

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Biographical Information

"My coaching career started in 1999, when I decided to become a personal trainer/nutrition consultant, so I could help people meet their health & fitness goals. I did extensive and thorough training in the UK with Premier Training International and I was on my way!

"In 2001, I started my life coaching practice and began working with individual and couples on creating conscious, loving relationships. In 2005, I was certified as a Body-centered Relationship Coach by the Hendricks Institute.

"In the course of my time in the Findhorn Community in Scotland, I was introduced to EFT (aka “tapping”) in 2006 and used it to clear a lot of childhood trauma, including my prenatal and birth trauma.

"I immediately became an EFT Practitioner and completed my AAMET Level 3 training in 2007 and my Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner training with EFT Master Karl Dawson in 2008. Meeting my delightful husband, Andrew, brought up all sorts of early trauma, so I was very busy working on myself as well as helping my clients.

"Birth has been one of my passions since college. I studied books about natural childbirth and breastfeeding, made friends with midwives and frequented online forums for expecting moms.

"So in 2007, I brought together my passion for EFT and my passion for birth and began working with pregnant moms, helping them clear their fears and traumas to create the space for a more peaceful pregnancy and an easier birth. EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are fabulous tools that are empowering and transforming for my clients.

"Over the last 6 years, I have been learning from many wise women and men and continuing my Birth education by taking advanced Doula training with Whapio Diane Bartlett, the founder of The Matrona Midwifery school.

"In 2010, I was the EFT presenter for the Trust Birth Conference. I finally got to meet Laura Shanley, founder of the Bornfree site, Dr. Sarah Buckley, OB-GYN, mother and author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering and Carla Hartley, the founder of the Ancient Arts Midwifery Institute and many others.

"I’ve had a lifelong passion for nutrition and started integrating it even more into my practice after I discovered ancestral/evolutionary nutrition in 2009 and saw first-hand how my diet affected my health. My 14 years as a former vegetarian/pescaterian have exposed to me a huge variety of foods and this helps me to work with a huge variety of people. I’ve had wonderful success helping my clients balance their hormones, regain fertility and eliminate many health issues with a whole-foods diet and a few key supplements."[1]

Married to Andrew Tree.


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  1. Sondra Rose About, organizational web page, accessed June 27, 2013.