Sonia Poulton

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Biographical Information

"Sonia Poulton is a writer and broadcaster. From 1987 - 1997 Sonia was a music journalist contributing to titles including Q Magazine, Muzik, The Guardian Guide and The London Evening Standard...From 1997 onwards, Sonia's creative horizons expanded and she now comments on a variety of human interest issues for national and international press. She has investigated youth culture and knife crime (The Independent); Pushy Parents (Daily Mirror) Bad Manners (Daily Express); Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Daily Mail); The Sexualisation of Young Girls (The Sun); Home Education (The Times) and A Multi-cultural Society (Daily Telegraph) among many others.

"She has written extensively on the issue of David Cameron's Coalition - from benefit cuts to foodbanks - and how Government policies have detrimentally impacted vulnerable people including elderly, single parents and sick and disabled people. Sonia is infamous for her outspoken views on State and parental neglect, global inequalities and a culture where people are famous for being famous. She has lamented the sexualisation of young girls, the feminisation of young boys and the dangers of raising children in a 'fatherless society'...

"She revealed a fascination in 'The Afterlife' for Irish Radio, RTE and investigated sex addiction for a series of BBC radio programmes across the UK network...She regularly contributes to the Jeremy Vine Show (Radio 2) and has discussed subjects as far-ranging as mass murder, anti-semitism, racism in schools and the global Occupy movement... She is a regular debater on ITV's This Morning covering controversial topics including 'should the age of consent be lowered?' and 'should abusive parents have contact with their children?'... As a media consultant, she has tutored numerous pop bands including The Spice Girls and she was instrumental in creating their iconic nicknames.

"She recently completed a Psychology degree ("because I wanted to understand myself more") and she takes great pride in her role as a single parent to her daughter, Shaye. Sonia is an amateur astrologer who enjoys taking her daughter to concerts, helping a local wildlife rescue centre and walking the family dog, Bliss the Westie. Her long-lost brother and sister recently found her on Facebook. She deplores procrastination, bad manners, bigotry and PC-behaviour. She is inspired by human kindness."[1]

She resigned from David Icke's The People’s Voice project on Monday, January 6, 2014. [


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  1. Sonia Poulton Bio, organizational web page, accessed January 7, 2013.