Sophie Churchill

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Biographical Information

"Sophie Churchill is the Chief Executive of the National Forest Company, which is changing the landscape of 200 square miles in the Midlands through reafforestation and the creation of other habitats.  She has been, and continues to be, very much involved in the processes of change, liaising with local partners and the Company’s lead Department, Defra. Previously Sophie was Chief Executive of RegenWM, the centre of excellence for regeneration for the West Midlands, and Director of a strategic partnership for Birmingham. She has always combined paid work with voluntary commitments, having chaired a school governing body and a voluntary organisation working with people with alcohol and homelessness problems. She has a PhD based on the lives of adults with learning disabilities in long stay hospitals and has fostered a teenager with special needs." [1]


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  1. Tree Aid Trustees, organizational web page, accessed March 28, 2013.