South African Coal Ash Association

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{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-coalash}}The South African Coal Ash Association (SACAA) states on its website that it "is to promote and encourage the utilisation of CCPs where it is technically feasible, sustainable and economically viable."[1]


The UKQAA is a signatory to the charter of the Worldwide Coal Combustion Products Network which was formed in 1999 to "promote, coordinate and inform the public, industry and governmental entities about the beneficial environmental, technical and commercial uses of coal combustion products (CCPs).[2]


  • Dieter Heinichen

Contact details

PO Box 50172
0097 Moreleta Village
E-mail: hafrika AT
Phone: 012 991 5839
Cell: 082 575 2610

Articles and resources


  1. South African Coal Ash Association, "Welcome to the South African Coal Ash Association (SACAA)", United Kingdom Quality Ash Association, accessed June 2011.
  2. Worldwide Coal Combustion Products Network, "WWCCPN: A Short History", Worldwide Coal Combustion Products Network website, accessed June 2011.

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