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Solapur power station

184 bytes added, 21:20, 7 March 2012
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{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}}'''Solapur power station''' is a proposed 1320 megawatt (MW) coal plant proposed by [[NTPC]] in Maharashtra state, India. The project will use [[supercritical]] technology. It obtained environmental clearance on December 27, 2010.<Ref name=thermal>[ "2×660 MW Super TPP by NTPC Ltd.,"] Thermal MoEF News, July 2, 2011</ref>
The map below shows the district of Solapur, but not the exact location of the project:
{{#display_point:|Solapur, Maharashtra|width=500|height=400|type=normal|zoom=8}}
==Project Details==


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