'''Nameplate capacity:''' 1320 MW (2x 660 MW)<br>
'''Type:''' [[Supercritical]]<Ref name=thermal/><br>
'''Projected in service:''' 20132016<Refref>[http://bitwww.lycea.nic.in/yofM4N "NTPC targets 75,000 mw by reports/proj_mon/broad_status.pdf Monthly Report on Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the end of 12th PlanCountry,"] Project Monitor, June 22Central Electricity Authority, 2011September 2012</ref><br>
'''Coal Source:''' Mahanadi CoalFields Limited (letter of assurance for supply obtained)<Ref name=thermal/><br>
'''Estimated annual CO<sub>2</sub>:''' <br>
'''Source of financing:''' <br>
==Resources and articles==