{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}}'''Solapur power station''' is a proposed 1320-megawatt (MW) coal plant under construction in Maharashtra, India.
The map below shows the location of the project: in Fatatewadi and Ahirwadi villages.
The As of 2014 the project is under construction, with a planned commissioning date of 2017.<ref name=ip>[http://ntpc.co.in/images/content/investors/AnalystMeet2013.pdf "NTPC Investor presentation,"] August 1, 2013.</ref> It will use [[supercritical]] technology. It obtained environmental clearance on December 27, 2010.<Ref name=thermal>[http://bit.ly/xfEigu "2×660 MW Super TPP by NTPC Ltd.,"] Thermal MoEF News, July 2, 2011</ref><ref name=NTPC/>
==Project Details==
'''Location:''' Fatatewadi and Ahirwadi villages, South Solapur taluk, Solapur district, Maharashtra<Ref name=thermal/><br>
'''Status:''' Under constructionConstruction<ref name=NTPC>[http://www.ntpc.co.in/images/content/investors/AnalystMeet2013.pdf "Investors Presentation,"] Sh. A.K. Singhal, Director of Finance, 1 August 2013, pages 34 and 35</ref><br>