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Solapur power station

680 bytes added, 22:08, 5 September 2015
As of 2014 the project is under construction, with a planned commissioning date of 2017.<ref name=ip>[ "NTPC Investor presentation,"] August 1, 2013.</ref> It will use [[supercritical]] technology. It obtained environmental clearance on December 27, 2010.<Ref name=thermal>[ "2×660 MW Super TPP by NTPC Ltd.,"] Thermal MoEF News, July 2, 2011</ref><ref name=NTPC/>
On April 17, 2015, hundreds of farmers and land owners began protesting the project site, demanding higher compensation from NTPC for their lands acquired for the power station. According to ''The Hindu Business Line,'' a platoon of 150 police personnel were deployed, and the construction site - spread over 2,000 acres - was declared a prohibited area under the Official Secrets Acts.<ref>[ "Solapur farmers stage protests at NTPC plant site, demand higher compensation,"] The Hindu Business Line, Apr 23, 2015</ref>
==Project Details==

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