In October 2016 three workers were killed by a falling 100-ton girder.<ref>[ "Three killed in accident at NTPC's upcoming Solarpur Plant,"] Business Standard, 7 October 2016</ref>
Unit 1 was commissioned in April 2017.<ref>[ "NTPC commissions 660 MW Solarpur power project,"] The Hindu, 7 April 2017</ref> Unit 2 is planned for 2018,<ref>[ “Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country,”] India Ministry of Power, Sep 2017</ref> later pushed to 2019.<ref>[ “Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country,”] India Ministry of Power, Feb 2018</ref> Unit 2 was commissioned in March 2019.<ref>[ "Executive Summary of the power sector,"] India CEA, March 2019</ref><ref>[ "Broad Status Report,"] India Central Electrical Authority, March 2019</ref>
'''Location:''' Fatatewadi and Ahirwadi villages, South Solapur taluk, Solapur district, Maharashtra<Ref name=thermal/><br>