Sri Chinmoy

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Biographical Information

Chinmoy Kumar Ghose also known as Sri Chinmoy (1931 – 2007) wiki

"Born Chinmoy Kumar Ghose in the small village of Shakpura in East Bengal (now Bangladesh) in 1931, Sri Chinmoy was the youngest of seven children. In 1944, after both his parents had passed away, 12 year-old Chinmoy entered the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, a spiritual community near Pondicherry in South India. Here he spent the next 20 years in spiritual practice - including long hours of meditation, practising athletics, writing poetry, essays and spiritual songs.

"In his early teens, Chinmoy had many profound inner experiences, and in subsequent years achieved very advanced states of meditation. In 1964, he moved to New York City to share his inner wealth with sincere seekers in the West... Sri Chinmoy serves as spiritual guide to students in some 60 countries around the world, encouraging a balanced lifestyle that incorporates the inner disciplines of prayer and meditation with the dynamism of contemporary life..."[1]

"The Oneness - Heart Tears and Smiles programme was established in 1990 to provide humanitarian aid to many countries around the world. In 1990, Mikhail Gorbachev made one of the first requests to Sri Chinmoy, asking for aid to help develop the Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology in Moscow. The hospital specialises in helping Russian children suffering from leukaemia." [2]


  • - written by Yogaloy, a former disciple who joined when he was only sixteen and spent many years in the guru’s inner circle.
  • Deborah Santana (the former wife of the famed-guitarist, Carlos Santana), Space Between The Stars: My Journey to an Open Heart (One World/Ballantine, 2005).
  • Jayanti Tamm, Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult (Crown/Harmony, 2009).

Related Books

  • Norman Weinstein, Carlos Santana: A Biography (Greenwood, California, 2009).

Resources and articles

Related Sourcewatch


  1. Sri Chinmoy Bio, organizational web page, accessed May 1, 2012.
  2. Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles humanitarian service, organizational web page, accessed May 2, 2012.
  3. United Nations Items-in-Secretary-General's Statements, organizational web page, accessed May 4, 2012.