Srilatha Batliwala

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Srilatha Batliwala (India/USA) "is an India-based Civil Society Research Fellow at the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Harvard University, where her work focuses on transnational civil society, but she is best known for her work on gender equality and women’s empowerment. She is Chair of the Board of the Women’s Environment and Development Organization, and a member of the Board of PLAN International and Gender at Work... She has just published, with co-editor L. David Brown, an edited volume entitled “Transnational Civil Society: An Introduction” (Kumarian Press, August 2006) and is currently working on her second book, on transnational grassroots movements. She also does a good deal of freelance work in program and organizational evaluations, gender and organizational change, and helping practitioners generate new concepts and theories to challenge dominant discourses." [1]

She "joined the WEDO Board in May 2000. ... A former Program Officer in the Governance and Civil Society Unit of the Ford Foundation in New York, she handled programs related to strengthening international civil society and the nonprofit sector in the United States. Prior to joining the Ford Foundation in late 1997, she was Fellow and head of the Women's Policy Research & Advocacy (WOPRA) Unit, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India. She is author of Status of Rural Women in Karnataka and Women's Empowerment in South Asia-Concepts and Practices." [2]


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  1. Association for Women's Rights in Development Staff, organizational web page, accessed April 20, 2012.
  2. Directors, Women's Environment and Development Organization, accessed August 27, 2008.