Stade power station (Dow Chemical)

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{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Germanyandcoal}} Stade power station (Dow Chemical), also known as Stade EnBW, is a proposed 920-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station in Lower Saxony, Germany, by Dow Chemical.


The plant is proposed at the site of the Dow chemical plant in Stade, Lower Saxony. The undated satellite photo below shows the approximate location.

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Stade power station is a proposed 920 MW coal plant on the site of the Dow chemical plant in Stade. The project is proposed by Dow Chemical (USA).[1]


Dow Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH (Dow), the German branch of the US chemical group The Dow Chemical Company, has been planning the construction and operation of a coal-fired power plant with a rated electrical output of up to 920 megawatts and a thermal output of up to 2100 megawatts at its chemical plant in Stade since 2008. The power plant is projected to have an electrical efficiency of approx. 45 percent. Steam extraction (combined heat and power generation) is projected to result in an overall efficiency of approximately 58 percent.[2]

The power plant is part of an "integrated energy concept" for the Stade chemical plant, which is intended to ensure the plant's long-term supply of electricity and steam. In addition to imported[3] hard coal, the power plant will also burn natural gas and biomass and use hydrogen as an energy source.[4]

The electricity not required for production is to be fed into the public grid. The information on how much this is varies between two-thirds[5] of the electricity produced and, at times, all of the total output.[6] Dow is looking for another partner to market the surplus electricity. In June 2009, the initially intended partner EnBW[7] withdrew from the project for economic reasons.[8] No new partner has been named since then.

Commissioning was planned for 2014.[9] The planning process began in June 2012.[10] After almost 10,000 citizens had submitted objections to the development plan by 25 March 2013, it was revised and made public again.[11]

In July 2014, the city council of Stade approved the construction of the power plant by amending the land use and development plan. Dow has not yet applied for any permits. A norm control action against the development plan filed in October 2015 by an alliance of BUND, NABU, Greenpeace and several citizens' initiatives failed in September 2017 before the Lüneburg Higher Administrative Court.[12]

In March 2018, a local resident filed a complaint against the verdict in alliance with Greenpeace and other environmental groups. The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig must now decide on an appeal.[13]

The recommendations for a coal phaseout in Germany by 2038 say no new coal projects should go online;[14] presumably then, once the phaseout is legislated the proposed coal plant will be cancelled.


Dow's power plant project has been criticized by citizens' initiatives and environmental organisations. According to calculations by Deutsche Umwelthilfe, carbon dioxide emissions at the Stade chemical plant would increase considerably as a result of the new coal-fired power plant, whereas they could be massively reduced by the construction of an expanded gas-fired power plant. In addition, coal is no longer a competitive energy source, according to Dow; a coal-fired power plant is therefore neither justified to secure electricity supply nor to safeguard competitiveness.[15]

Project Details

  • Sponsor: Dow Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH
  • Parent company: Dow Chemical
  • Developer:
  • Location: Stade, Lower Saxony, Germany
  • Coordinates: 53.636798, 9.507176 (exact)
  • Status: Pre-permit development (Applying for permits)
  • Capacity: 920 MW
  • Start date:
  • Type: Supercritical
  • Coal Type: Bituminous
  • Coal Source: Imported
  • Source of financing:



  1. "Germany's hard coal-fired newbuild electricity projects uncertain" ICICHeren, August 17, 2012.
  2. "Antwort auf die mündliche Anfrage zum Bau des Steinkohlekraftwerks in Stade," Niedersachsen, May 31, 2013
  3. "Atomausstieg – Neue Steinkohlekraftwerke in Stade," HAZ, June 3, 2011
  4. "19379 Broschüre Energiekonzept Version 17b," Dow Chemical, January 2013
  5. "Warum das Kohlekraftwerksprojekt von Dow in Stade weder umwelt- noch klimaverträglich noch alternativlos ist, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Feb 25, 2013
  6. "Antwort auf die mündliche Anfrage zum Bau des Steinkohlekraftwerks in Stade," Niedersachsen, May 31, 2013
  7. "PiE’s new power plant project tracker – April 2008", Power in Europe, Issue 523, April 7, 2008, page 22.
  8. "EnBW baut in Stade kein Kohle-Kraftwerk mit Dow,", Jun 12, 2009
  9. "Neue Steinkohlekraftwerke in Stade und Wilhelmshaven geplant," HAZ, Jun 3, 2011
  10. "Integriertes Energiekonzept," Dow in Deutschland, accessed May 2018
  11. "Runde zwei für das Kraftwerk - Stade," kreiszeitung-wochenblatt, Nov 19, 2013
  12. "Kohlekraftwerk in Stade darf gebaut werden," NDR, Sep 28, 2017
  13. "Juristischer Streit um Kohlekraftwerk Stade geht in nächste Runde," Presseportal, Mar 19, 2018
  14. "Germany to close all 84 of its coal-fired power plants, will rely primarily on renewable energy," LA Times, Jan 26, 2019
  15. "Warum das Kohlekraftwerksprojekt von Dow in Stade weder umwelt- noch klimaverträglich noch alternativlos ist,"] Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Feb 25, 2013

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Wikipedia also has an article on Stade power station (Dow Chemical). This article may use content from the Wikipedia article under the terms of the GFDL.