Stanley L Tempko

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Stanley ('Stan') Tempko was a tobacco industry lawyer working for Covington & Burling]] which was the tobacco industry's main political legal lobby firm working out of Washington DC.

Covington & Burling were the Tobacco Institute's lawyer-lobbyists who specialised in confusing the science, running pseudo-research projects to throw doubt on medical claims and evading or modifying legislation. They worked mainly in the USA (also for Philip Morris), but later set up in Europe to help Philip Morris and the tobacco industry run its WhiteCoats program of recruiting underground scientists who worked secretly for the tobacco industry through pseudo-scientific associations like IAPAG, ARIA and EGIL As a result of their activities, this law firm helped the tobacco companies escape the consequences of their promotions, bribes, and surreptitious practices, and so contributed to the death and disability of millions of smokers.

The main tobacco law firms

  • Arnold & Porter (AP) worked at a Board level for Philip Morris, as well as doing work for the Tobacco Institute.
  • Covington & Burling (C&B) worked for all the US tobacco companies but mainly for the Tobacco Institute. They also ran many of their operations in Europe and Latin America. C&B was seen as more respectable law firm than SHB, and it operated fairly openly for tobacco in Washington DC and elsewhere. They also ran the European Whitecoats programs and did a lot of underhand work.
  • Shook Hardy & Bacon (SHB and SH&B) specialised in all the wealth of dirty tricks and anti-science corruption employed by the industry. They were given the job of setting up secret societies of academic helpers, running think-tanks, bribing political parties and politicians, etc.
  • Jacob Medinger the firm of Edwin Jacob which handled secret payments for the Council for Tobacco Research (CTR). It was later merged with Shook Hardy & Bacon.