Stephan A. Schwartz

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Biographical Information

"Stephan A. Schwartz is the Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of which covers trends that are affecting the future. He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post. Previously he was the founder and Research Director of the Mobius laboratory, and Director of Research of the Rhine Research Center, Senior Fellow of The Philosophical Research Society, Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations, and an editorial staff member of National Geographic. For 40 years he has been studying the nature of consciousness, particularly that aspect independent of space and time. Schwartz is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research, and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology. Using Remote Viewing he discovered Cleopatra’s Palace, Marc Antony’s Timonium, ruins of the Lighthouse of Pharos, and sunken ships along the California coast, and in the Bahamas. He also uses remote viewing to examine the future. Since 1978, he has been getting people to remote view the year 2050, and out of that has come a complex trend analysis. His submarine experiment, Deep Quest, using Remote Viewing helped determine that nonlocal perception is not an electromagnetic phenomenon. Other areas of experimental study include research into creativity, meditation, and Therapeutic Intent/Healing. He is the author of 50 technical papers and reports. In addition to his experimental studies he has written numerous magazine articles for Smithsonian, OMNI, American History, American Heritage, The Washington Post, The New York Times, as well as other magazines and newspapers. He has produced and written a number of television documentaries, and has written four books: The Secret Vaults of Time, The Alexandria Project, Mind Rover and his latest, Opening to the Infinite." [1]


Academic and Research Appointments

  • Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing. Samueli Institute. (2010 to present)
  • Scholar-in-Residence, Atlantic University (2007-2008)
  • BIAL Fundacao Fellow (2006 -2010);
  • Research Associate, Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research (1997 to present);
  • Senior Advisor and Director of Research, The Rhine Research Center (2005 to 2006);
  • Public Spokesperson, Parapsychological Association (1996 to present);
  • Chairman and Research Director of The Mobius Society, (1977-1992);
  • Visiting Professor at John F. Kennedy University (1981-1983);
  • Senior Fellow of the Philosophical Research Society (1976-1979).

Government Appointments

  • Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations under Admirals

Zumwalt and Holloway (Certificate of Commendation) (1971-1975);

  • Consultant to the Oceanographer of the Navy (1973-76);
  • Member, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Secretary of Defense Discussion Group on

Innovation, Technology and Society (1971-1975).

Government writing (speeches, Congressional testimony, and articles) for

  • Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, Chief of Naval Operations,
  • Admiral James Holloway, Chief of Naval Operations,
  • Richard M. Nixon,
  • James Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense, and
  • John Warner, both as Secretary of the Navy and as Chairman of the Bicentennial Commission

Resources and articles

Related Sourcewatch


  1. Stephan A. Schwartz Bio, organizational web page, accessed July 17, 2013.
  2. New Stories Advisory Board, organizational web page, accessed September 19, 2013.
  3. Universal Awakening Advisory Board, organizational web page, accessed July 19, 2013.
  4. International Remote Viewing Association About, organizational web page, accessed July 23, 2013.