Stephen Creswell Timms

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Biographical Information

"The Rt. Hon. Stephen Timms, MP for East Ham, has been Labour’s Shadow Employment Minister since September 2010. He entered Parliament in 1994. He was appointed Financial Secretary to the Treasury three times, and was appointed to the Cabinet post of Chief Secretary to the Treasury from May 2006 – June 2007. He held other ministerial roles for 12 years from 1998 in the Labour Government, including as Minister for Employment at the DWP. Since June 2007, Stephen has also been the first Labour Party Vice Chair for Faith Groups. He worked in the telecommunications industry and as Leader of Newham Council before entering Parliament, and has lived in East Ham since 1979."[1]


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  1. Spear Patrons, organizational web page, accessed May 22, 2013.
  2. Labour Campaign for International Development Presidents, organizational web page, accessed January 10, 2016.